Sunday 3 June 2012

Day 11

Fifteen Of Your Favourite Things

My phone
I'd be without this. Keeping in contact with Mark and my mum, as well as using it keep updated with Twitter and Facebook

I couldn't live without my music. I always am listening to it when I'm at home.

How could he not be one of my favourite things. I love him to pieces. He's my world.

My family
My family are everything to me :)

Chocolate and sweets
I have such a sweet tooth

My car
I love my independence, I don't know what I'd do without my car. I use it so much; to get to and from Mark's and home, as well as to work.

My bed
My bed is so comfy.

My charm bracelets
The charms are so cheap from Amazon and they are so similar to the Pandora charms.

The Vampire Diaries
I think this is the only programme that I have watched and have really fallen in love with it. It's amazing. I'd highly recommend it to people.

I love uggs. They are so comfy. I have two pairs.

Tracksuit bottoms
I live in these at home. They are so comfy.

I always have one of these when I go to Brighton or London. I love the Hot Chocolates.

I have an obsession with buying things.

I absoultey love Brighton. Me and Mark go there all the time.

Lazy days
These are the best.

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