Sunday 3 June 2012

Day 17

My Proudest Moment

I have got just one proud moment, being able to tell people I am saving for a mortage makes me smile as I feel like I am going to achieve something eventually, also, I've achieved a Level 3 childcare qualification when I was at college.
As well, I passed my driving theory and practical first time :)

And one of my most recent proudest moment is doing Race For Life. I completed it in September 2011. I did it with my mum and my sister, Lucy. It was 5km and having a bad back I was quite worried about my back hurting, we walked the whole way but we completed it and I was so proud specially as we were doing it for Gran and I managed to get over £100 for doing it which makes you feel so proud.

This was before the race and all of our back signs. Because we put pictures on them too, we had lots of people pointing at them - think they attracted a lot of attention (a good idea of mine)
This is after the race, I was knackered and my back ached but knowing I had just raised money for charity was such a good feeling and I was smiling to myself all day.

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